Advocacy with Health Care Providers


About Us

“Even before AFH was founded, I would seek ways to break the wall that separates the families in Africa from justice, wealth, peace, health and respect and empowerment. I  searched for a route out of ignorance, poverty, ill health, unemployment, early death, violations of basic human rights, environmental degradation, AIDS, rape, maternal and new born deaths, female genital Mutilation, and many other problems that families have to deal with. The answers were not easy to find. In response to these challenges I drew from several source to build AFH as an a native institution seeking home grown solutions that families are faced with.”

  • I and the satff at AFH  draw our strength from the unwavering vision of a world free of preventable deaths.
  • At AFH  driven by our belief in peoples ability to overcome challenges that they face
  • We are emboldened by advances in science and technology that present tremendous and opportunity to channel and connect human talent, and innovations.
  •  We are committed  to  setting  agenda and delivering results to ultimately begin to break long standing cycles of barriers that Africa is faced through  our heritage of héritage of  creative approaches in capacity building and mentorship and advocacy.

The AFH Founder, Eva Muthuuri is a development anthropologist, advocacy expert and master trainer with expertise in community development.  She assures that all AFH services are of the highest quality and meet the needs of the client.  She has been in full time employment and also worked as a consultant for many years. She has numerous publications and is a speaker at many conferences.
